Friday, May 14, 2010

Mother's Day Photoshoot Fun

So, the day before Mother's Day Wyatt and I got to have a little photo shoot with Allie and it was so much fun and the pictures turned out really cute.

We borrowed the little red wagon from our friend Sara and Wyatt loved it!!!

Have to stop and pick things out of the grass...

Wyatt loved these yellow dots. He would just run back and fourth.

These stairs were so cool, Wyatt didn't really like them though.

We had a lot of fun and I'm glad I FINALLY got to go to the Mesa Arts Center. It is such a cute place. We have been wanting to go there for awhile now and it's just right next door to the Temple! Thanks Allie for a fun time and cute pictures!


  1. The pictures turned out SUPER cute! My favs are the very last one and the fourth from the bottom with the purple wall. It looks like somehting from out of a magazine.

  2. You're sweet! Thank you. I had never been to the Mesa Arts Center before so it was pretty cool to see it. Wyatt would smile super big and then as soon as we would take the picture he would get all serious, haha.

  3. What CUTE pictures!!The arts center is such a fun picture place with all the different colors. My favorite is the last one :)

  4. These pics turned out super cute! I love the one with you in front of the blue wall pulling the wagon. So precious!
