Sunday, May 2, 2010

Wyatts 2nd Birthday

I can't believe it, our little guy isn't so little anymore. He turned 2 on May 1st, Saturday and we had a fireman themed party at our house. He had so much fun with all his little friends! I took a few pictures of the decorations before all the kiddos came over.

Then it was time for some outdoor fun. Wyatt truly had the best time running around with all his little buddies!

And of course playing the drums with Miss Elsie...

Then it was time for the birthday lunch!

Then it was time for PRESENTS!!

Then, the wonderful fire man cake!! It turned out so cute and tastes even better!!

Then, of course we sang happy birthday but I guess our voices aren't too great because we all made Wyatt cry.

But as you can see, the crying quickly stopped.

The party went so well and Wyatt had so much fun! I'm super happy it was such a big success! Wyatt has such sweet friends that helped make his party even better! After everyone left Wyatt got to play with some of his new toys his friends got him.

Then I brought out a surprise present from the laundry room... Mr. Potato Head (which I will have you know is Wyatts favorite thing EVER). Andrew and I got this giant potato head at Disneyland and filled it with as many potato parts as possible.

Wyatt was in Heaven with all his new potato head parts. He created some wonderful masterpieces.

It's crazy to think he is already 2!! I remember his first birthday like it was yesterday. Wyatt is the perfect son and we love him very much. Happy Birthday Wyatt. We love you.

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